Sue Peterson


Clinical Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor

Sue has worked as a therapist in the mental health field for 15 years. Sue works with children, youth, and adults, providing individual, and family therapy. She believes that we all have an innate capacity to heal ourselves. So as a therapist, she has developed her practice to be collaborative, client-centered, and empowering. Sue began her career at Child and Youth Mental Health as a Trauma Specialist, providing trauma interventions for children, youth, and their families. Sue completed a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Social Work in 2002 and in 2009 completed her Master’s Degree in Social Work. Sue’s work has focused on addressing trauma, including early childhood adverse events. Sue has completed specific postgraduate training in trauma intervention, EMDR (eye movement desensitization reintegration), cognitive behavior therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, suicide risk assessment and intervention, attachment interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy. Sue has also worked extensively with children using a combination of both cognitive behavior strategies and play therapy. Sue also works with individuals to address symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Costs: 150$ per session / 175$ Couples

Working With Trauma

  • Sue is trained in and has practiced EMDR for five years. EMDR is used to resolve trauma, as well as other distressing life events. Francis Shapiro PhD created the Adaptive Information Model, which is now EMDR. The premise is that all of us have systems in our brains that make our brains function smoothly and in a united way. When we are under stress however this system becomes taxed and our brain stores information in a disorganized way that can cause trauma-like symptoms. Using bilateral movement (moving your eyes back and forth), can bring this system back in line, helping to integrate memories that are difficult or traumatic.

  • Often children don’t have the words to describe their inner world the way youth and adults have. Play Therapy is the strategy to use for many children. Play therapy helps the child to express how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Through play, children can talk about and organize the difficulties they are having in their lives including anxiety, grief, sadness, and anger. Play Therapy provides children opportunities to learn better communication, understand feelings, and regulate their emotions and behaviors. Children who would benefit from this intervention are children who are experiencing anger, and anxiety, and or have experienced trauma.

  • Sue is a Clinical Supervisor with 15 years of experience in the field and 8 years of experience providing supervision. Sue worked for four years providing clinical supervision to teams of Clinicians through Child and Youth Mental Health. Since 2021 Sue has continued to provide supervision to other private practice clinicians. Sue uses the Neurosequential Model developed by Kristi Brandt. This supervision approach is based on the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics developed by Bruce Perry. This model uses reflection, an understanding of the nervous system and co-regulation to further develop clinical skills.


To contact Sue to book an appointment or with any further questions please call or text: (250)319-5317 or email: